When Should You Consider Replacing Your Sump Pump?

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A Family Gathering Place

A couple of years ago, I discovered I would inherit a building located on my late grandfather’s property. This small structure contained a kitchen, a dining room, a bathroom, and a bedroom. The building, situated near two ponds, was constructed to be used as a family gathering place. Numerous birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays were celebrated in this cozy waterfront building. Do you long to have a separate place to entertain family and friends in? Consider hiring a general contractor to construct an additional structure on your property. You might want your general contractor to install an industrial sized kitchen and a huge great room in this space. Instead of always hosting parties in your home, you can entertain in this building. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a general contractor can help make your entertaining dreams come true.

When Should You Consider Replacing Your Sump Pump?

24 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Sump pumps play a vital role in preventing flooding in your home's basement or crawl space. Once installed in the lowest part of your home, it will collect and drain excess water efficiently, preventing damages that occur due to water buildup. For this reason, it's vital to ensure the pump is functional at all times since you don't know when you might need its service. 

Like other devices, sump pumps become old and deteriorate. This leads to frequent malfunctions, which can be inconvenient and costly. The best solution would be to replace the sump pump. Here are the top signs that it's time to invest in sump pump replacement.

The Pump Is Too Old

One of the reasons sump pumps malfunction frequently is old age. After all, they are just machines and cannot last forever. What's more, they are exposed to water throughout and use massive power to pump away water from your residence.

Most sump pumps can last for about a decade, but the duration may vary depending on a few factors. This includes the frequency of use, period the pump needs to hold water to discharge, quality of the components, and electrical source. If the end of your sump pump's lifespan is near and it's acting up, consider replacing it instead of focusing on repairs.

The Pump Is Making Too Much Noise

Once water fills up the basin, your sump pump is automatically turned on via a pressure sensor or float activator arm. The impeller (a fan) will start moving when it's on, forcing the water to flow away through a pipe. This is how the sump pump drains water from your basement. 

If your pump makes unusual or excessive noise for longer durations, its components may be loose or damaged. For instance, the bearing in the motor could be failing. Grinding or rattling sounds usually indicate that some debris has been caught up in the impeller. The unit may also vibrate excessively if the impeller is excessively damaged. 

If such issues aren't fixed right away, they will cause other components to malfunction, making repairs costly. Re-bending an impeller correctly is virtually impossible too, so the best option would be to replace the sump pump. 

The Pump Is Rusting Up

When a sump pump is exposed to water continuously, it will develop discoloration and rust due to iron bacteria. In most cases, the corrosion affects the areas surrounding the battery terminals and pipes, leading to water flow issues in the drainage system. If your sump pump is rusty and it's not functioning effectively even after being serviced, consider replacing it.

For more information, contact a plumbing company.